Elizabeth Maria Walsh: Artist, Fighter, Inspiration to all
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt
To all who knew her, Elizabeth was truly one of a kind. Her smile lit up the room, her energy was infectious, and her positivity was awe-inspiring. She was a born performer- an extremely talented dancer and a beautiful actress, with a deep respect for literature and the arts.
In May of 2012 at the age of 24, Elizabeth was diagnosed with stage IV Adrenal Cortical Cancer, a rare disease that only affects one in 1 million people. Her surgeries, chemotherapy sessions, and treatment options were met with optimism and positivity. Taking on the role of both dancer and patient, Elizabeth saw firsthand how dance and movement aided in her recovery and healing. Through her personal experience, she decided to found Dancers With Cancer, so that other patients could benefit from dance the way she did.